Jan 12, 2011

[Birthdays] Happy Birthday, Haruki Murakami!

Today's the birthday of one of my favorite authors and also one of the more celebrated ones in the contemporary writing scene.

Haruki Murakami Monkey

Happy Birthday to Haruki Murakami!

For those sadly ignorant, he's the same genius behind books like Wild Sheep Chase, Dance Dance Dance and my ever favorite Wind-Up Bird Chronicle. It's hard to pinpoint precisely why I love his books so much. Maybe it's the whole magical realism to his stories. Perhaps it's his unique style in terms of use of metaphorical language. Or it could be how each story is so widely different and unique as compared to the others and yet still somehow related, as if they all live in the same magical universe.

Or maybe it's because Haruki Murakami's writings speak from the mind of a introvert like myself and that resonates for me on so many levels.

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