
The Geeky Guide to Nearly Everything is a blog devoted to making the world just a bit easier to understand. And that's why we say that we're trying to define the world one keyword at a time - because if you can search for it, then someone can write about it. Majority of the site consists of reviews of various movies, books, TV shows, computer games, musicals, stage plays and whatever else we find ourselves getting into at one time or another. Otherwise you're bound to run into random commentary on whatever news items catch my interest.

The Geeky Guide is Rocky Sunico, a 40-something-year-old Filipino gay geek who has a propensity for writing and speaking his mind. So yeah, that's the perfect equation for getting into blogging, right? When he's not in front of his home computer or Android tablet (which is a rare event), he pays the bills by making people believe that he's a Marketing Manager for a multinational call center. He continues to aspire to own property before he's 30 (so much for that plan!) but he has a horrible habit of spending his money on Transformers and large quantities of books that threaten to overrun his modest apartment. He thought getting a Kindle would help, but it just means he has even more to read and he continues to buy actual paper books. This "problem" has expanded to include other digital content including comics and audiobooks.

Define: Geek
Being a geek is not the same as being a nerd (although I'm probably both). Geekiness is not the same as being intellectual or smart. What it does mean is that you're highly knowledgeable (or obsessed) about a particular topic or segment of popular culture (or even the obscure bits).

As your Geeky Guide, I'm primarily a science fiction and fantasy kind of guy and this influences the many books, movies and TV shows that I end up consuming from a media perspective. But I do get into a wide variety of other things outside of the science realms and that includes (1) LGBT culture, (2) computer-related stuff, (3) the wonders of the internet and (4) the other stuff my partner makes me go through such as a large number of comic book titles, horror movies and romantic comedy films.

I'm always open to engage fellow geeks (gay or otherwise) in meaningful or geekily inane conversation. Feel free to connect by leaving comments here on the blog or via other contact channels. I'm definitely looking forward to hearing from you!

Creative Commons License
The Geeky Guide to Nearly Everything by Rocky Sunico is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.