Nov 6, 2007

[Pinoy Gay Blogs] Las Tres Estrellas

Las Tres Estrellas

First, a little shop talk. In an attempt to maintain a more manageable cycle for these reviews, I'm going to try to consistently get the reviews up during the first week of every month, so if you have blogs of interest that you feel should get featured, be sure to let me know before the end of the month so I have time to screen.

And now to our main event, this month's featured blog is colorful in more ways the one. Let's all get to know the diverse personalities behind Las Tres Estrellas!

The vibrant colors and classic Hed Kandi art definitely shock the sense when you first hit this blog but hardly in a negative way. In fact, it somewhat helps prepare any new reader to fully digest the sensationally fabulous writings of this group of bloggers.

Las Tres Estrellas (The Three Stars in Spanish) refers to the three bloggers behind this site, namely Lyka Bergen, Kelly Carson and Ekra Tan with all three supported by their producer / "mother" known only as The Oracle. They're all fabulous women at heart as you'll soon see in the way their entries are written with such flair and panache.

This blog isn't quite for the faint of heart - you might not be queer enough to survive their divinity for long. If only for that reason I'd tag it as NSFW for now given that you can never really tell what's going to come around the corner from the depths of their creative minds. Lyka appears to be the most prolific writer as of late, and that's no issue at all given that her posts seem magazine-worthy more often than not.

The site is hosted on the Blogger platform, so that comes with its fair share of advantages and disadvantages. Normally I try to address language and I suppose I'd start by saying that it's a mixed language blog but to be more specific I'd need to warn that you need to be able to understand English, Filipino and Swardspeak in order to fully appreciate all that this blog has to offer. I thought I was pretty proficient until I really sat down to try and read these entries. Still, don't let that hold you back from visiting the site - the language challenge is an experience it itself and still at the end of the day, you'll more than enjoy the parts that you do understand.

Las Tres Estrellas is also the host of the monthly Crystal Titi awards for best comment on the site and clearly the voting gets pretty fast and fierce, which is just how I for one like'em, hehe. I can't capture it well enough - you just have to go see for yourself to fully appreciate the zaniness that takes place as people vote for their favorites.

So if you're feeling the need to explore your inner diva or you simply want to let your hair down for a while and stop playing the discrete game, then this is the place for you. It's a fun site where you get to fully appreciate just how colorful Filipino queers can be and feel a little bit prouder to be part of such a vibrant community.

1 comment:

  1. This is cool what Hed Kandi is doing.

    I am definitely going to the next live kandi show
