Aug 1, 2007

[Blogosphere] DigitalFilipino / MindanaoBloggers Contest

You Got Blogged

My friend Blogie has asked my help in promoting the You Got Blogged! Review-a-Blog contest hosted by and his own

The contest is pretty straight forward - write a review about any of the blogs found on the Mindanao Bloggers Directory in line with the standards documented in this post and you're eligible to win as much as $150! Seriously!

And while we're on the subject, stay tuned as well for the 1st Mindanano Bloggers Summit to be held in Davao City on October 27, 2007. This is a pretty tremendous undertaking for our friends in the south so if you're in the area or planning to be come October, we'd greatly appreciate if you extended your full support for making this event a success!


  1. Wow thanks for the plug!!! For sure more people will find out about "You Got Blogged!"

    Correction, though: The effort is not all mine -- we're a team, and we call ourselves The Usual Suspects. ;)

  2. Hi Blogie,

    I certainly hope this helps you guys get more support - I also cross-posted this entry over at the UnitedSEA blog.

    I'll take note of the authors in future plugs.

    Good luck in all your preparations!

  3. I'll certainly try to make the time, blogie. As you can see, I'm juggling a number of things, hehe
