Sep 29, 2021

[Books] August 2021 Reads


August 2021 Reads

Wow, I thought I had already done an August update for everything I had read, but I guess it had somehow slipped my mind. At had a quick TikTok update at the start of September but that was it. And here we are pretty much at the end of the month and I'm still playing catch-up. 

So here's a very late report on the many things I read during my birthday month. I made a sincere effort to make up for lost ground and slower reading in recent months and I think I managed to make some REALLY good progress for the month.

For August 2021, I read a total of 41 titles, consisting of 2 novels, 34 comic book trade paperback equivalents, and 5 different audiobooks. With only 31 days in the month, I definitely covered more than 1 book a day.

Reminder: I'll link to some of the featured titles I read using Amazon Affiliate links. If you want to help support the site, feel free to purchase them using that link!

For novels, most of what I managed to finish were several Target Doctor Who novels. As someone who has yet to watch all of the classic Doctor Who serials, it's quite a treat to be able to experience these stories even if just through these novelizations. Totally fun stuff.

For comics, I was all over the place. I put some serious effort to go through some of the Cells at Work manga since we had finished the latest seasons of the anime. I also finally took the time to read The Filipino Heroes League,  and it was an interesting (but slightly heavy-handed) piece on the role of heroes in society. But man, it's super relevant for what we're going through today - so I guess our political problems haven't really changed. I got caught up on the ongoing Amazing Spider-Man comics that I have and I also got up to speed with the Dawn of X books in order to prepare myself for X of Swords

I also finished Skottie Young's Middlewest and MAN, that was a powerful piece of writing. 

Since I don't walk as much as I used to (because of the pandemic), then I focused on shorter Audible titles to be smarter about things. The audiobook version of The Ruby's Curse was a delightful piece of fiction for River Song and perfectly brought to life by author and star Alex Kingston. And I was nicely surprised by Felicia Day's Embrace Your Weird - a totally great book of activities to get your creative juices flowing and maybe help get you out past writer's block or whatever is getting in the way of your artistic desires. 

And that was August! If you want to explore my reviews of everything I read, feel free to check out my Goodreads page.

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