April was not a great month for reading for me. As much as I read a lot of interesting things, my overall number of titles read in the month wasn't just lower than previous months, but it was also below the a-book-a-day pace I need to keep up with my end of year reading goal.
But these things happen. Work was pretty busy, so that's a big "barrier" to extra reading. but perhaps my decision to finally read Haruki Murakami's Killing Commentadore may have played a larger role as well. Allow me to explain once I've gone over the numbers.
For the month of April 2021, I only read a total of 26 titles, which consisted of 4 novels and 22 comic book titles. I typically only count comic book trade paperbacks as much as possible, but a few of the stories I read have not officially been compiled into a single volume, so that just inflated my limited reading numbers even more. And I didn't even finish any audiobooks for some reason - I'm still working through Bird Box.
Reminder: I'll link to some of the featured titles I read using Amazon Affiliate links. If you want to help support the site, feel free to purchase them using that link!
On the novel front, the biggest challenge was getting through Killing Commentadore, which I had officially started reading back in February, and only finished in late April. The book wasn't just long, but it was also not the most enjoyable read. But I was determined to get to the end and see if things would pay off in some surprising way...which it did not. So after that, I switched gears to focus on content that was comparatively shorter and more enjoyable like another Star Wars Thrawn book and a Battletech adventure.
Normally my comic book reading helps fill in the gaps when I'm tackling a bigger book, but for some reason, I didn't quite read enough? I guess it's also because I tend to get more reading done when I do steps every hour during the workweek, but things have been quite busy and thus less step time. If anything, my comic book reading was more focused on catching up with current storylines for things like the ongoing Spider-Man titles and the increasingly complicated Dawn of X books. I've also been going through the Doctor Who comics for the Twelfth Doctor, which is a bit of a mixed bag, too.
Beyond my busy work schedule, I feel like my sort of reluctant interest in what I was reading also slowed things down and had an impact on things. One of the more interesting things I read was probably Matt Fraction's Cassanova Vol 2. and of course the aforementioned Thrawn book. I'll try to make up for things this May. Making smarter choices again and using lighter books as a sort of pallet cleanse after the heaviness of that Murakami title.
Don't forget that if you want to explore my reviews of everything I read, feel free to check out my Goodreads page.
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