Jun 29, 2014

[Technicolor Musings] Happy LGBT Pride, Geeky Readers!

By the time this blog entry publishes, my partner Tobie and I are probably still struggling to get out of bed after what I assume has been a wild night of celebrating LGBT Pride with many of our friends at O Bar. I've written about why Tobie and I love O Bar so much quite a number of times on this blog and the others that I manage. Our desire to support them so much is what primarily drives this for us.

I do hope that all of you took some time this month (with it being LGBT Pride Month) to show a little love and support for the LGBT community. Whether or not you identify as part of the community, it's never too late to get on the side of true equality in terms of legal rights. And we in the LGBT community can use all the support that we can get - such is the struggle of any minority group within a democratic society.

LGBT Pride, or simply gay pride, isn't just about partying or making a fool of yourself in public. It's more about standing up and being counted among those who believe that the LGBT community deserves to have the same right as other human beings. This is not about special rights or simply giving something extra to gay people - this is about extending existing rights to the gay community, as we deserve as citizens of this country.

And so we wave the colors and we march and we do all sorts of other things to try and advance our cause step by step. And we have a long way to go.

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