Apr 13, 2007

[Geeky Guide] ImgRed is Down

Hmmm...it appears that ImgRed.com is down at the moment. The site is something I learned of from Lifehacker, one of my favorite tech blogs, which helps you quickly embed images that you want to share without hotlinking, thus leeching from the originating page's bandwidth.

Some images on the site might not display until things are resolved - I imagine more people are using the service because of the attention from blogs like Lifehacker so maybe the increased demand on their services is shutting it down for now, hehe.

On a side note, my thanks to Misterhubs for pointing me in the right direction to enable me to truncate posts behind a "Read the rest of this entry..." links. You should start seeing them on some of my longer entries.

1 comment:

  1. I'm not surprised they're having problems; they're probably suffering bandwidth issues themselves. It seems like they got explosively popular as soon as they got picked up in the 'blogsphere.'

    But this is the Napster of digital imagery. They're encouraging wholesale copyright violation, helping people republish images without concerning themselves over whether people have the rights to publish those images. Worse, they don't have any contact info or a way to opt-out of their service.

    For anyone who's concerned about this, I've written an article on blocking imgRed / opting out.
