While it's somewhat of a long term plan given this is projected to happen within the next 6 months, what is also interest about the move is that it is being done as a preemptive measure against any possible plans of Google to move into the online photo editing field. Although none of us have seen any definite indicators that Google plans to do this, the trend set by their move to Web 2.0 applications like their Google Docs & Spreadsheets product along with other online office productivity tools in the market like Gliffy, which is an online flowcharting tool, and a variety of other tools including online photo editing tools.
I'm all for more online applications - open source and Web 2.0 models are always a great thing for us users, although we definitely need to figure out a way of reducing the latency of these online applications to improve the user experience. While the promised online Photoshop product will definitely not have all the functions of its offline big brother, expectations are bound to be high for what Adobe will bring to the table. It's not entirely a new venture for them given another online product they recently launched called Remix, which is a video editing tool partnered with photo and video hosting site PhotoBucket, which is a scaled down version of their Premiere Elements tool.
Keep your fingers crossed - let's see what they come up with in six months time. If not, I guess there's always GIMP as a free Photoshop alternative.
Related Links: Photo linked from JesseBarker's photostream.
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debi k at Gliffy dot com