Feb 8, 2018

[Movies] First Solo Teaser Trailers

With the Solo: A Star Wars Story set for May 2018 release, it has been a little unnerving that the marketing for this movie hasn't quite gotten into full gear For the longest time we just had this very direct to the point title card and little else. To be fair, this is the first time we're getting more than one Star Wars movie within a 12 month period, so things are rather close together.

But all that changed during this year's Super Bowl when we finally got our first teaser trailer only to get a longer teaser trailer the next day. So yeah, it's still the annoying teaser for a treaser trailer routine that is becoming more and more of a habit in Hollywood, but to be fair there were some rather meaty trailers.

Solo: A Star Wars Story "Big Game" TV Spot (:45)

Solo: A Star Wars Story Official Teaser

Hot  on the heels of these teaser trailers, the internet fan community has raced to get out their respective view on things, and there's a lot to process. Sites like io9 already have their little trailer breakdowns and of course geeky channels like Star War Explained have their own take on the footage released thus far as well:

Solo: A Star Wars Story Big Game TV Spot Breakdown and Analysis

Solo: A Star Wars Story Teaser Breakdown and Analysis

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