Aug 22, 2012

[Apps] Komik Reader - Free (Android)

As much as I love my Amazon Kindle Keyboard, being able to handle full-color items like magazines and comic books remains something best left to full color tablets. And when I picked up my ASUS Transformers TF101, getting comics loaded onto the device was one of my top priorities.

After experimenting with a few different free comic viewer applications, I eventually ended up with Komik Reader - Free for Android as my reader of choice for very simple reasons.

First, it automatically remembers where you stop reading each of your comic book titles so you can automatically pick up where you left off pretty easily. Plus it shows you a progress percentage on the main overview page so you know which comics you've finished and which ones remain untouched.

Second, comic files (in CBR and CBZ format) loaded in the same folder are treated as part of a series, so the moment you get to the end of one issue, it will automatically prompt to move to the next issue in the folder when you swipe across the screen.

Third, it has this cute zoom feature that triggers whenever you have two fingers on the screen. It nicely helps one read very small text from time to time although I'll admit it takes some getting used to. Plus if the image quality is poor, you're going to get a zoomed in image of a pixelated mess at times.

Lastly, the darn thing just WORKS, period. You can easily swipe page after page to navigate through each issue and the app handles those two-page spreads pretty well (and seamlessly to boot). You can jump to different pages using the helpful navigation options tha trigger at the edges of the screen and on the whole it's a simply yet effecive reading experience.

I fully recommend Komik Reader for all your CBR and CBZ reading needs and thus rate it a solid 5 comic books out of a possible 5.
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  1. Did you try "Challenger comics viewer" ?

    It's a FREE comics viewer available on Android Market (no ads).
    You don't have to click to go to next page, all pages are automatically loaded.
    Try it in landscape mode, Vertical scrolling is really awesome !
    It support local files (cbr/cbz/pdf/jpg/png) and network files (Samba/CIFS/Webdav/Ftp/SFtp).

    It's simply the best comic viewer.

  2. Haha, well not yet but I'll see what your app has to offer in time.
