Jul 1, 2012

[Technicolor Musings] Post-Pride 2012 Reflections

It's Sunday. I doubt I'm going to be awake by the time this scheduled post publishes given the LGBT Pride festivities of last night. And it doesn't matter if you celebrated Pride at O Bar Ortigas like we did or at the Mandarin Hotel or attended the "official" White Party at Malate or even just at home with close friends - by now I imagine you're about as tired (or as hungover) as I probably am by now.

Side note: it's tricky to write in the past tense about an event that has not happened at the time of the writing. LOL

But what does it all mean, one can't help but ask. There are those who argue that the local White Parties are just that - parties, and not exactly true statements about LGBT Pride or whatever. Some say the only meaningful even is the Pride March in December and nothing else. Some quibble over when Pride should actually be celebrated (is it the third week of June or the last weekend of June?) and others question why people should wear white at all.

The point is that there are just so many facets to this whole thing that often times the meaning and perhaps even the true spirit of this event is lost in the trappings thereof.

So did you just attend a party or did you celebrate Pride? What made it meaningful for you? What do you wish other members of the pink community would do in relation to Pride? Does the Philippines even actually have true LGBT Pride anymore?

Just more things for you to think about this Sunday afternoon. Feel free to keep your answers to yourself, but you know I'd appreciate it even more if you shared your thoughts in the comments and joined in the discussion. You know what to do.

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  1. Manila celebrates Pride twice a year? In June and December? Seems strange.

  2. It doesn't just seem strange - it is! Hahaha!
