Aug 3, 2007

[GeekyCast] Pre-Weekend Music

I know, I know, yesterday's GeekyCast was downright silly. Despite my neighbors finally stopping their annoying partying today, I still felt that I was in a musical mood and couldn't focus on weekend updates.

So I sang again.

Today I attempt All I Want by Toad the Wet Sprocket and She Will Be Loved by Maroon 5. Cover your eyes and brace yourselves - this was hardly pretty, LOL.

I can see my number of readers / listeners dropping right now.

Download this episode (11 min)


  1. Oh rOckY. If only my ears could orgasm. Could we do a duet next time? Hehe.

    I'm gonna sleep smiling!

  2. Hahaha, so I take it you enjoyed it, regardless of actual musical value. *winks*

    Your smile is the only compliment I need. Perhaps I'll schedule these sorts of things for weekends moving forward, haha.
