Jul 20, 2007

[Holidays] Evoloterra

This is a Tri-Blog post that will appear on all three of my blogs, The Geeky Guide to Nearly Everything, Beyond Dinobot Island and Moonbase 8.

In the same tone as Embrace Your Geekness Day, on July 20, 2007 we also celebrate another special "geek" holiday of sorts - Evoloterra.

Celebrated every year on the anniversary of man's first landing on the Moon, Evoloterra is a day meant to commemorate the technological accomplishments of the Human Race as a whole. Given such celebrations of human achievement are rare amongst traditional holidays, supporters of this event believe this is an opportunity:

  1. To tell the story of the species that not only dreams, but has the ability to make those dreams a reality.
  2. To honor those who advanced our body of knowledge and to recognize the profound significance of thought, reason, and the methods of science.
  3. To become aware of the new and exciting possibilities that technology, derived from our understanding of nature, is opening up to us.

If you're interested in participating in the day's festivities, you can find the full Evoloterra story at this link in PDF format. You can directly save a copy by right-clicking the link and choosing "Save Target As..." instead.

Let's all join together in celebrating the many achievements of Humankind!

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