Mar 14, 2012

[Gaming] The Final Double Fine Adventure Kickstarter Tally

That's all she wrote, folks! After what could be termed as one of the most interesting Kickstarter campaigns yet, the folks at Double Fine Productions ended their KickStarter project to create a classic point-and-click adventure game ended with over $3.33 million in pledges despite only having a goal of $400,000.

The deal was definitely a record-breaker by many standards. It reached its original goal within the first 12 hours and holds, the record for raising the most funds within 24 hours. The 87,000+ backers have helped this project become the most supported Kickstarter project ever AND they've also raised the most funds ever. That's a lot of serious love for adventure gaming.

The Double Fine logo, consisting of a two-head...
Image via Wikipedia
If anything, this just goes to show that the classic adventure gaming genre is not dead and fans like me are not alone in this big geeky world. Beyond that, we've also tapped a potentially new and highly disruption distribution model that puts the power back in the hands of the creative teams and brings them closer to their end users instead of dealing with the fluff and pomp of the distributors.

And it's not like we're pirating the game or anything - backers like me have just paid for a game that doesn't exist yet. But because of the strength of the concept and the credentials of the creative team, we're all fully behind this project and can't wait to see what they come up with.

And if this game turns out to be as cool as we all hope for it to be, then we're definitely going to be really, really happy, plus a new adventure game is bound to be just around the corner...

And yes, this geek is extremely happy and proud to have participated in this momentous gaming undertaking. And I can't wait to see what the final product will be like!
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