Oct 7, 2012

[Pink Scene] SARI-SALI: Pride in Action - The 2012 Metro Manila Pride March

It's official - this years Manila Pride March 2012 will be on December 8, 2012. The theme for this year's event is SARI-SALI: Pride in Action, which is basically a big call to action for more people to join the fight for LGBT rights in all sectors of society.

The Pride March is a most unique experience that I have come to look forward to since I started marching back in 2009 and it's certainly something I'd recommend to all of you whether you're gay, lesbian, closeted or just a friend to the LGBT community.

More details will be forthcoming in the weeks to come, but here's the initial press release from PinoyG4M, who is this year's Secretariat group for Task Force Pride:
The 2012 Metro Manila Pride March is scheduled on December 8, 2012. PinoyG4M was selected as as the Task Force Price secretariat organization handling the Metro Manila Pride March this year.

This year's March theme is "SARI-SALI: Pride in Action" with the following objectives:

1. Get commitment from the city government to protect the rights of LGBTs via an Anti-Discrimination Ordinance (ADO).
2. Get commitment from student organizations to push for LGBT-friendly school policies.
3. Get solidarity statements from members of the private sector calling on the city government to pass an ADO.
4. Get support and affirmation of acceptance from families, friends and allies of LGBTs.
5. Gather support from contingents and individuals for the Ladlad Partylist.

Please visit the Metro Manila Pride March Facebook page or follow PrideMarch_MLA in Twitter to get updates on the Pride March theme, venue and guidelines.


Other organizations and clans could pre-register by going to: http://bit.ly/PrideMarch2012

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