Oct 10, 2007

[Web] Online Directory Services?

Flickr: brutal - DetailTwo

Okay, so technically speaking I'm default representative for my high school batch and I'm getting tired of manually managing the directory.

I'm a good geek, right? I should be able to find a way to may this process a lot easier with all the tools at my disposal, right? Isn't there a cool, web 2.0 site that helps people manage directories?

The first idea that came to me was to utilize an shared online spreadsheet, like with Google Docs. It seems straightforward enough, but in order for it to be convenient, everyone needs to have a Google Account to use the service and at the end of the day it's just a spreadsheet program, which is not very inviting for high school alumni on the go.

That got me thinking about the possibility of hosting a wiki, probably because of the recent wiki work I've been doing to have my efforts documented in the Pinoy Blogopedia. Wikis can be cool, but again not very easy to use and perhaps even worse than using an online spreadsheets program given how technical it is.

Host a social network you say? That's another idea - I might be able to control the number of users, have them host images and update their own profiles, as needed. That may be just the possibility I need, but I don't know of a good social network hosting service.

Do any of you have other ideas in mind? What other online solutions exist for managing an online directory for high school alumni? I'm wracking my brain yet nothing comes to me just yet - HELP!

Photo linked from brutal's photostream.

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